Something to Wear

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What is Something To Wear?

Striking a balance between maintaining a cutting-edge wardrobe, environmental consciousness, and financial prudence can be an ongoing challenge. Ever faced the timeless puzzle... a closet full of clothes yet nothing to wear?

Enter Something to Wear, a platform designed to connect closets within your community, enabling you to effortlessly rent and lend designer fashion at a fraction of the usual cost. Say goodbye to having 'nothing to wear' and welcome to always having Something To Wear.

Sustainability to us means reduced consumption, amplified community connections, financial responsibility, and increased accessibility. Something To Wear stands at this intersection, providing a platform where community members can share their wardrobes, thereby aiding the Earth, fostering connectivity, and both saving and earning money on their fashion choices.

Since 2010, rental fashion has made a substantial impact—preventing the production of over 1.3 billion garments, conserving 67 million gallons of water, saving 98.6 million kWh of energy, and cutting down 44.2 million pounds of CO2 emissions. Every rented garment significantly reduces our carbon footprint and rescues yet another piece of clothing from ending up in a landfill.

Join our vibrant community now and be a part of this impactful movement!

Elsa Gillard


Born and raised outside of Toronto, Ontario, Elsa earned a B.S. in Business Administration with a minor in Fine Art from Pepperdine University. She later resided in New York City, where she worked in the textile industry. Her time in New York, surrounded by numerous clothing rental options, sparked a reevaluation of consumption habits in Canada compared to the US, motivating her to address this gap.

In 2023, Elsa returned to Toronto and founded Something To Wear, a social platform facilitating clothing rental and lending within the community. Passionate about community, environmental sustainability, and financial responsibility, Elsa's vision is to create a platform that encompasses all three values.

Like many in her generation, Elsa spent countless hours scouring resale sites for vintage pieces, discontinued designer items, and the latest trends. However, most of these coveted items were worn only a few times and ended up sitting in her closet, prompting her to consider how to extend their lifespan. With post-COVID social engagement on the rise and costs increasing, balancing expenses with discretionary fashion spending has become increasingly challenging. Something To Wear aims to grant access to your fashion wish lists without straining finances, closet space, or the environment.

With your help, we aim to reduce clothing consumption, foster an interconnected fashion community, and promote financial responsibility.